Thursday 19 April 2012

Reviewing- Voiceovers

Aftr receiving feedback on our construction, we have decided to redo the voiceover in the opening sequence. We thought a more serious, masculine voice was needed, as Gavin's voice doesn't acheive the right effect that would be present in a thriller film. Also, the equipment we used to record the voiceover; an inbuilt microphone on the Mac, recording straight into the editing programme; didn't produce a particulary good quality recording, as well as the room we recorded the voiceover in, creating a echo.

Because of these reasons regarding the technology used, we have decided to use the Blue Light recording studio at school, as it is specially designed for getting the best out of vocals and creating high quality recordings and is the most professional recording equipment we have easy access to.

For the changing of the voice, we have decided to do this without changing the actor; otherwise that would mean we would have to do the entire video again, which in unecassary as the visual has no problems.

I looked into voiceovers that have been used in professional film openings, here are some I found, all are Thrillers or similar genres:
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford (2007, dir. Andrew Dominik)

Armageddon (1998, dir. Micheal Bay)

The type of voice used in these are; slow, serious, deep, masculine- also in these American films, the accent is emphasised in the voice. As our construction is not american, nor set in America adding an american accent would make it sound cheesy and unrealistic.

One British film that is known for it's  voiceover opening is Love Actually- although not a thriller, gives an idea of a British voiceover- where again by choosing Hugh Grant as the voice, they have emphasised the accent.

Love Actualy (2003, dir. Richard Curtis)

So we  thought a deep, masculine voice is used for the opening of thrillers, but the nationality of the voice must be the same as a the nationality of the film. Seeing as we only really have access to and know English people, this wouldn't be an issue any way.

The people we decided that people we know with the correct sort of voice are:
Greg Matthews
Scott Mines
Jake Taylor
Luke May
Max Rodgers

Luke has a very comedic voice, and I couldn't imagine him being serious without it sounding mocking. Scott's is prone to 'putting on' a voice, so we thought it may not sound natural. All the remaining voices created the right effect, so we used other factors to narrow down the list. Nadine only know Max through a friend of ours, so decided to focus mainly on the last two; Greg and Jake both know how to use professional recording equipment, making them the better candidates anyway, as Nadine and I don't know too much about it. But Greg lives further away, therefore making it considerably easier to choose Jake.

We plan to re-record the voiceover 10am on Friday 20th April in the Blue Light recording studio at school with Jake as the voice and replace the voice over in the video the same day, or Monday morning.