Thursday 27 October 2011

Prelim Storyboard

Because of technical problems, it's taken me this long to completely finish my preliminary storyboard. This shows most of the shots we used within the preliminary task. The shots don't particularly vary, mainly being mid, or mid-long shots. This is because we had limited resources, not allowing us to use crane shots or similar, also, most simple dialogue scenes don't use a vast range of shots, mainly focusing on mid and mid long.

  • Shot 1 This is our establishing shot, it is the long shot of the house where the scene takes place. In this shot Gavin walks up to the front door of the house.
  • Shot 2 this is a Mid shot of Gavin as he unlocks the front door. We chose mid shot because he is using his hands whilst we need to see his surroundings.
  • Shot 3 This is a mid shot of the door from the inside, in this shot we see Gavin open the door from the outside. This is a mid shot to match the previous shot of the outside
  • Shot 4 This mid long shot shows Gavin walking through another door  into the scene where the dialogue will take place, Having Gavin walk through two separate doors builds a sense of secrecy about the situation.
  • Shot 5 This mid long shot shows Gavin walking and beginning to sit down, we chose this because this is when we see Nadine for the first time and shows the environment she is in.
  • Shot 6 This mid shot is part of our shot-reverse-shot in the conversation switching between this and the next shot. All dialogue is excluding the last line is exchanged in the shots 5, 6 and 7.
  • Shot 7 This mid shot is part of our shot-reverse-shot in the conversation switching between this and the previous shot. The mid shots show the emotion on the two characters’ faces whilst seeing  some of their surroundings.
  • Shot 8 This mid shot is part of our shot-reverse-shot in the conversation switching between this and the next shot. We use this towards the end of the scene, when we see the box as it gives you a better view of the table and box.
  • Shot 9 we used this shot here to show the emotion on Gavin’s face as he is about to open the box, with the box just out of sight, to keep suspense.
  • Shot 10 This high angle close up of the box allows you to see what is inside it as it gets opened in this shot. We zoom out rapidly, as the box gets pushed across the table, we did this to keep the box in shot. You can see from the still above, shots before and after the zoom I also wanted to zoom out to intimidate 'recalling in horror'.

Friday 14 October 2011

Preliminary Task

For our preliminary task, we are filming a dialogue scene between two people, one walks into the room where the other is sitting, they exchange dialogue and (we will use shot-reverse-shot here,) then exchange an object before the second person walks out the room.

Nadine and I have decided to film our Preliminary task on Saturday 15th October, which is tomorrow, this is because it gives us the longest time to edit it, which is the most time consuming part. We are going to film at my house because the scene will be set in a house, and it is an accessible location, our two characters are Gavin Bedford and Nadine Shambrook and the props we need for the scene are typical mise-en-scene for a house and a toffee muffin.

I have watched episodes of the TV sitcom, 'Friends' because that consists of similar situations to the one in which our preliminary task is. I found scenes start with an Establishing shot, and for the majority of the time, mid shots are used, as this gives emphasis on a person's hands, which is relevant to our scene.  I have done a sketched storyboard, showing the shots we think we will probably use. I will also do a photographic storyboard as we film, to show the shots we have used.
Rough outline of storyboard

Preliminary script and plan of shots

(Establishing shot of house)
(Pan up shot of door)
(POV from person 1 shot of door opening.
*person walks through door and sits at a table where person2 already is* close up pan of person 1 feet until they arrive at the table. Then medium shot of person 1 face. POV shot of person 2.)
Person1- Did you get it?
(Cut to person 2)
Person2- Yeah
(cut to person1)
Person1- No one saw you?
(Cut to person 2)
Person2- Not one
Person1- Good. I’m glad you understand how important this is to me. (Cut to person1) Hand it over
(Cut to person2)
Person2- *pulls away item in bag* Pardon?
(Cut to person 1)
Person1- Please
(Cut to person2)
Person2- *hands over item in bag. Character then leaves room* (camera reminds focused on character 1)
Person1- *unwraps item to find a cupcake* (zoom on cupcake) *screams* I wanted blueberry!

*fade to black*

Tuesday 11 October 2011

Chosen Foundation Portfolio Brief

I have chosen to do Brief number two, Video
The preliminary task is a continuity task to film and edit a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, then the characters will exchange dialogue. I must remember to include match on action, shot-reverse-shot and the 180 degree rule.

For the main task, I will film and edit the titles and opening of a fiction film, lasting a maximum of two minutes.
For both tasks all video and audio material will be made by me, or from a copyright-free source. I will do the production with Nadine Shambrook, but the majority of my planning and evaluation is solitary.