Friday 14 October 2011

Preliminary Task

For our preliminary task, we are filming a dialogue scene between two people, one walks into the room where the other is sitting, they exchange dialogue and (we will use shot-reverse-shot here,) then exchange an object before the second person walks out the room.

Nadine and I have decided to film our Preliminary task on Saturday 15th October, which is tomorrow, this is because it gives us the longest time to edit it, which is the most time consuming part. We are going to film at my house because the scene will be set in a house, and it is an accessible location, our two characters are Gavin Bedford and Nadine Shambrook and the props we need for the scene are typical mise-en-scene for a house and a toffee muffin.

I have watched episodes of the TV sitcom, 'Friends' because that consists of similar situations to the one in which our preliminary task is. I found scenes start with an Establishing shot, and for the majority of the time, mid shots are used, as this gives emphasis on a person's hands, which is relevant to our scene.  I have done a sketched storyboard, showing the shots we think we will probably use. I will also do a photographic storyboard as we film, to show the shots we have used.
Rough outline of storyboard

Preliminary script and plan of shots

(Establishing shot of house)
(Pan up shot of door)
(POV from person 1 shot of door opening.
*person walks through door and sits at a table where person2 already is* close up pan of person 1 feet until they arrive at the table. Then medium shot of person 1 face. POV shot of person 2.)
Person1- Did you get it?
(Cut to person 2)
Person2- Yeah
(cut to person1)
Person1- No one saw you?
(Cut to person 2)
Person2- Not one
Person1- Good. I’m glad you understand how important this is to me. (Cut to person1) Hand it over
(Cut to person2)
Person2- *pulls away item in bag* Pardon?
(Cut to person 1)
Person1- Please
(Cut to person2)
Person2- *hands over item in bag. Character then leaves room* (camera reminds focused on character 1)
Person1- *unwraps item to find a cupcake* (zoom on cupcake) *screams* I wanted blueberry!

*fade to black*

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