Friday 4 November 2011


The video preliminary exercise was a continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom they then exchange a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action, shot-reverse-shot and the 180 degree rule.

This is our Preliminary video:

The things I think are good about our video is that we use shot-reverse-shot, match on action and the 180-degree rule. We followed the brief well, and kept the narrative simple so we could focus mainly on the technical aspects, like mise-en-scene, camera shots, editing and sound. The mise-en-scene was reasonably easy to do because the scene was set in a house and we filmed in a house and we characters were wearing normal everyday clothes, but the lighting was one thing we dismissed prior to filming, and the room we were filming in, wasn't particularly well lit, as you can see in the conversation scene, as Nadine is slightly silhouetted by the window behind her, to improve this, we could have moved the table so both characters were perpendicular to the light, rather than parallel to it. We could also use video flashguns to light the scene, these give off white light, rather than the yellow light from most everyday lamps, so wouldn't alter the colour of the scene. Also, we could of used low-key lighting as the atmosphere of the scene is mysterious and low-key lighting is associated with this atmosphere. These are the main improvement I have from my preliminary video, that I will consider for the main video.

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