Monday 14 November 2011

Scott Pilgrim vs the World and Casino Royale

Casino Royale (2006, dir. Martin Campbell) Opening Scene
Scott Pilgrim vs the World (2010, dir. Edgar Wright) Opening Scene
Another version of the enigma code would be having an cold open and then a title sequence, especially if at the end of the opening scene it is a cliffhanger, although I haven't found an example of this. Having the opening scene first introduces the plot and characters, to keep interest, and then leads into a credit sequence once your interest has been captured. Casino Royale (2006, dir. Martin Campbell) is a good example of this, (pictured left) as is Scott Pilgrim vs the World (2010, dir. Edgar Wright) (pictured right). Both these films are entirely different regarding narrative, director, genre, and target audience, yet their openings are done in very similar ways.
I have written about both of these in previous blog posts, and to see full opening sequences, click here for Scott Pilgrim and here for Casino Royale.
Scott Pilgrim tells us a lot about each character, and has a small information box next to each character as we first see them in the opening sequence, shown in the image right. We meet all the main characters except Ramona (Mary Elizabeth Winstead) and we understand that music is big part of the film, as the cold open leads up to the band playing and the opening conversational scene revolves mainly around the band and Scott's new girlfriend, this opening scene is supposed to be typical of an everyday conversation between friends and band mates.
 Casino Royale on the other hand tells us very little about any of the characters, except James Bond's obvious characteristics, besides Bond, we meet no-one with any real importance to the film, this is typical for a spy, action film like James Bond though, being action in the opening sequences, to grab the audience with the fights and seeing Bond outsmart the villains. the opening is to simply familiarize the audiences with the characteristics of Bond, as he outsmarts and kills two characters. Yet this is also, basically supposed to be the average day in James Bond's life, just like the Scott Pilgrim opening sequence. After both of these cold opens, the title sequence is again, done in the same way, but with different results.
On the left, below there is the gun barrel shot which links the cold open to the title sequence in Casino Royale, while on the right, is the same for Scott Pilgrim vs the World. Below them are the main character's name as it appears in the title sequence, you can see the very similar animated pattern with the name in the middle of the frame. These films have gone about their opening, in technical aspects, very similar ways, but the films, are entirely different.

 Images from:
Scott Pilgrim vs The World:
Casino Royale:

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