Thursday 17 November 2011

Rough Production Ideas

Nadine and I came up with some rough ideas regarding our film opening Production. We think we might do an opening scene in the genre of Thriller/Horror/Action/Adventure/Disaster, something where we can include the enigma code well, because we think these are better film opening sequences.

Idea 1-
Shot 1- black screen/ distributors logo,
Shot 2- mid shot of feet running in a urban setting
Shot 3- black screen, 'A film by....'
Shot 4-  mid shot of person running round a corner of a building and hiding
Shot 5- CU of person's face, showing the emotion, which would be scared, worried, anxious
Shot 6- Mid shot of person running
Shot 7- CU of person looking back, behind them
Shot 8-  LS of person running around a corner, hiding, looking around
Shot 9- LS of safe-looking house
Shot 10- CU of person's face, seeing house, showing relief
Shot 11- LS of person jogging towards house
Shot 12- mid shot of person opening door and entering house

Storyboard for Idea 1
From shot 6 onwards, studio credits would be onscreen one at a time, but not entirely distracting from the action and there would be fast paced non-diegetic, dramatic music playing from shot 4 onwards; shot 1 would be silent, shot 2 would have panting and possibly music played, shot 3, would possibly be silent again, and then music comes in at shot 4 and play until the end or shot 8, where you could play slower less tense music.

Idea 2-
Shot 1- black screen/distributors logo
Shot 2- eye level shot of grass, slowly panning across/cutting to different angles of the grass
Shot 3- pans onto/cuts to mid shot of feet, standing still in the field
Shot 4- pans up from the feet to reveal a person standing completely still, gets up to person's face to show slight scared, but mainly blank, no emotion
Shot 5- LS of person standing ridged with fear, slow zoom out to XLS of the person and field.
Storyboard for Idea 2
Shot 6- XLS of person and field, silent, tense
Shot 7- loud noise- bang/crash out of shot, CU of person's face showing very scared emotion
Shot 8- black screen with/without title of film

Studio credits would be onscreen throughout, one at a time. There would also be non-diegetic music building to a crescendo at shot 6 which would go silent just before the loud noise in shot 7.

Idea 3-
Shot 1- Black screen/distributors logo
Shot2- Person laying dead/severally injured on floor- audio: 'This is the story of how I died, but it wasn't my fault'
Shot 3- several angles surrounding the body on the floor
Shot 3- fade to black screen, pause, A [director] film
Shot 4- CU of same person, happy, with headphones, non-diegetic music playing
Shot 5- Mid shot of person walking, urban setting

Storyboard for Idea 3
After this shot, we are unsure on what to happen next besides just having the person continue walking, possibly to somewhere to become significant, or to just have them walk and turn it into a title sequence, but this is quite similar to the opening sequence of Juno (2007, dir. Jason Reitman). At the end of the sequence we thought we could have to person take out their headphones, and turn the music to diegetic.

Bits of these ideas would be hard to to do, for instance filming a person running, in idea 1, or making the music sound more diegetic in idea 3, or achieving the XLS through zoom, in idea 2. I will do more research into the genres we are considering before modifying the ideas.

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