Sunday 4 December 2011

Choosing a Genre

We have decided to do a Thriller production as we thought these codes and conventions were the easiest to replicate with the limited materials we had. Our production may also have a slight Film Noir feel to it, as we also think this is a popular and good theme to stick with, as it has a typical narrative close to the narratives we have already thought of.

Action/Adventure was our favourite choice, but there could be difficulty in filming some action scenes without stuntmen, camera trolleys and special effects software, although this would be fun, it would possibly be too time consuming for our coursework production.

Disaster was our next choice, but finding a set to film this on would be challenging, and possibly dangerous to film in some locations, albeit enjoyable. Like Action/Adventure, disaster films also use special effects, however these may not be present in the opening sequence, it is mainly the sets that forced us to think of another genre.

Horror was the other genre I researched, although filming a Horror could be very fun and the mise-en-scene is very obvious, getting the narrative and mise-en-scene completely correct can be very hard indeed. We were worried that if we chose Horror, that if it wasn't done very well, it could look more like a comedy, which is not what we would want.

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