Sunday 4 December 2011

Final Idea

From our rough ideas, Nadine and I have decided to do a mixture of the ideas I previously described in the Rough Ideas post.

So far we have come up a opening in two parts. We have decided to do it in two parts, as a cold open and title sequence, because I think this is the most effective way of opening a film, because the cold open grabs attention and the title sequence will lead into the narrative well. This also allows us to use a flashback, which Nadine and I both think is an excellent way of opening a film, and it also participates in the enigma code.

[distribution logos]
Shot 1- high angle shot of grass
Shot 2- pan across grass (shoe/hat passes through shot during this)
Shot 3/4- pans up to reveal body, lying on the ground, injured or dead including the missing hat/shoe
Shot 5- CU of persons face
Shot 6- circulation of person. voice over similar to- "this is the story of how I died- it wasn't my fault"
Shot 7- pan up, past body, onto sky,
Shot 8- show title/fade to black

for the second half of our opening, we thought our person could be getting ready, possibly for a new job or something of significance to participate in Todorovs theory of narrative. We thought he could be getting ready as this is a well used, simple and effective technique for opening films. It's used in films such as
The Devil wears Prada (2006, dir. David Frankel)
Pretty Woman (1990, dir. Garry Marshal)
as well as numerous other films

Story board for part 2:
Shot 1- black screen, sound of alarm clock
Shot 2- CU of doing up shirt buttons
Shot 3- show leg coming through the bottom of trouser leg
Shot 4- MS of doing up tie
Shot 5- CU of arm coming through sleeve of jacket
Shot 6- MS of quickly checking self in the mirror
Shot 7- low angle shot, person running down stairs
Shot 8- Kettle boiling
Shot 9-  CU putting on shoes
Shot 10- Toast popping in toaster
Shot 11- high angle shot of putting papers into briefcase
Shot 12- eye level shot of briefcase closing
Shot 13- CU taking a bite out of toast, whilst walking
Shot 14- MS of door closing
Shot 15- cut to black on door closing

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