Wednesday 7 December 2011

Costume and Make up

For the cold open the costume needs to be ordinary clothes, to suggest a sudden death. We told Gavin to just wear his normal clothes, rather than setting him to wear anything specific. Although we could of had Gavin in a suit, or smart clothes, as this could suggest some event in before his character was attacked or died. But the practically of lying on the ground in a suit wasn't particularly favourable.


 We decided to make Gavin look bruised and pale faced through makeup, this is to suggest he has been beaten up, and make the scene look more realistic. I applied the makeup to him, and above are images of how it looked. The makeup resulted in it appearing as Gavin had a bruised cheek, black eye and a pale face.

For the title sequence, we thought Gavin should wear a suit, as the narrative says he has a job interview. We chose a plain, pale shirt and tie to reflect on the dullness of the scene previous. The briefcase is also there to make it more believable that Gavin is having a job interview. No makeup was applied for this shoot, although we could of had subtle make up just for the camera, we thought this wouldn't be needed because of the lack of professional lighting.

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