Thursday 15 December 2011

Production Company

We decided to have a production company, as this is something that is present in basically every film as the first thing you see when watching a film. We created our own production company to avoid using copyrighted material, and this would be hard to achieve if we'd used another production companies logo, like Universal Studios, Lionsgate Studios, or 20th Century Fox.

All the logos and sequences are different. Some of them focus mainly on a genre, so have made their logo and sequences relative to that. Some use known objects or themes to associate them with other themes or connotations.
Universal has the revolving of the world with the word "Universal" across the middle. The fact the logo shows the whole world and the company is called universal, links the logo and the companies and possibly ideology together. This enforces the fact that this logo belongs to this company, and by incorporating the name of the title into it also, it makes it always recognisable to be Universal Studios.

Universal Studios

Lionsgate Studios

Again, like Universal, Lionsgate link their logo, although more subtly to their name.
The workings from inside the gate may represent how Lionsgate would be involved in the making of the production, as it shows the outside of the gate to reveal the heavens above. From their opening animation, I get the impression that Lionsgate produce predominately fantasy films, as the logo, and also the name, seems quite fantasy-like.

20th century fox

The mise-en-scene from 20th Century fox's logo suggested they are interested in big Blockbuster films, because they have the epic music, as well as the spotlights and the 'Hollywood' that pans past. How the text ends up at end, from a low angle shot, also makes the company seem bigger and more dominating and worthy of bigger films.


Dreamworks, even from the name suggests they focus on fantasy, as both dreams and fantasy aren't real. This is reinforced by the rest of the sequence because the moon, the main colour and the heavy focus on this main colour; of the sequence are heavily linked with sleep and dreams. The music is much slower and less epic sounding than for example, Universal and 20th Century Fox, this is until the company name begins to reveal which is when the horns come into the musical arrangement, bringing the audio out of being dream-like, this effect is then taken out again when the company name is shown in full.

Disney Pictures

The iconic Disney castle is a good thing to use in a short sequence like this, as it is easily recognised and associated with the Disney company as a whole. As this is recognisable throughout the Disney company as a whole, it promotes the company on a larger scale than just the film production part of the company. Also, in this sequence, the fireworks are there to represent the happiest and goodness that come from Disney films, as they follow the typical good conquering evil narrative, and the arc of fairy dust could be associated with the sense of magic this is very much linked with Walt Disney.


Regency is the least know out of the others I have analysed, and it is also the simplest logo. As "regency" isn't a word or concept that can be easily shown through an image, nor is there a previous well known connotation to it. The idea of representing the word, opposed the concept is also good. The contrast of colours makes the "R" stand out against the background, as does the slow revelation of what the shape is to be. The music building to a crescendo also adds to the tension of revealing the beginning of the film.

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