Tuesday 27 December 2011

Time Management

We had an initial timings sheet which we hand wrote at the beginning of the project, and although we have tried to stick to this as much as possible, the timings have varied slightly. Below is our original timings.

And here, is what our timings actually were:

11th October             Told about project
21st October              Preliminary Deadline
1st November            Main task given
1st-14th November     Film research
13th November           Began thinking of initial ideas
18th November           Decision of final idea including storyboard
19th November           Filmed first scene
21st-25th November   Genre research
27th November           Filmed second scene
28th Nov-5th Dec        Edited
6th-10th December    Research, planning and final touch-ups on the production
12th December           Deadline

The main deviations from the original timings were that we came up with our idea slightly quicker than we had allowed for, and did the majority of the editing faster than we'd planned. We also did the majority of our genre research later than planned, but there was some genre research in the initial film research and we were confident enough with the research we had done to come up with our idea. Although the dates on the corresponding blog posts may not match the dates that have been stated here, these are the dates the events happened on. The blog post dates may be later due to technical faults or simply not publishing a post because I think it's not finished, but actually posting it without changes a few days later.

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