Tuesday 27 December 2011

Production Company 2

From the research in previous post we decided on a simple logo. We thought of using a production company we had previously thought about the ideology for another Media project.

This company, Purple Mammoth Productions we had previously decided was family orientated, but the film production branch was open o any age rating and genre, so there was films for most people within a family. Because of this, we needed a generic logo, that wasn't age specific. Also to consider, the logo, moving or still had to be created by us and not copyrighted. The logo we used to represent the company in the previous project, was possibly copyrighted. The image can be found on a variety of websites, in different image qualities. We colour manipulated the image in our previous project to make it purple and match the company. But as we were unaware on how this affected copyrights and even if was actually copyrighted, from the use of various websites. We decided it was probably best the logo was left out of our current production.

Colour Manipulated

We decided to keep with the name and idea of the company, as we thought this was a good idea for a production company. As neither Nadine or I have any experience in animation, we didn't know how we would make a sequence to go with our company name. We begun looking through transitions and effects on the iMovie software to see if they had anything we could use that gave a similar effect to what we wanted. We did find an effect titled 'Lens Flare' which was a black background with the flare of a light panning across the screen to reveal text. As I thought this was a much simple, yet similar idea of professional production companies sequences such as 20th Century Fox and Regency. With the panning affect and use of light. We placed this transition in the beginning, adding the text "Purple Mammoth Productions" to appear. We thought this was the only suitable effect on the iMovie software because the others seemed too amateur and this was the only one we thought could seem similar to the other Production Company logos.

As I mentioned in my Production company research, the companies often related their logo to their name. As the Lens flare animation was the only one we were happy to use, we thought that changing the production company name would be more fitting. We thought of many different camera and lighting terminology before deciding between:
  • Lens Flare Productions
  • Panoramic Productions
We eventually decided on 'Panoramic Productions' as purely aesthetically it looked better against the lens flare animation and in the opening titles against the pavement in the cold open.

The original "Purple Mammoth" image is from

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