Monday 12 December 2011

White Balance

We decided to change the white balance of the cold open scene to make it look like a colder, empty, sad atmosphere. We did this by changing the white balance from white, to a pale blue green, as this denotes a colder environment. We thought a colder environment was necassary because there is death and sadness in the scene, and phycially making the scene look colder and sadder, through the changing of the white balance would make the narrative come across better. You can see from the images below, the change does make an effective difference to the atmosphere the scene gives. Although Gavin was wearing blue in this scene, which becomes brighter, his surroundings conteract this by making the colour scheme seem duller.

Altered White Balance

Original White Balance

We also decided to change the white balance of the title sequence to a subtly more red environment, making the house look considerably warmer than the previous scene, and making the house look a more welcoming place. This creates a contrast between the two scenes, and suggests the film gets sadder or more distasterous as it progresses to where the flashback would come into context.

Altered White Balance

Original White Balance

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